This is a functional test case documented for a digital streaming service. This can be used verify a sign up flow for a new user visiting Netflix.
The purpose of this test case is to verify the sign up process of a new user on the streaming service, Netflix, is working as expected.
Acceptance Criteria and Test Scenarios
Happy paths:
User can sign up a new user with email address and password
User can create a password with valid credentials input
User is able to log in anytime at https://www.netflix.com after a password is set
User can select any desired plan with different price points
Each plan type can be selected and continued onto payment screen
User is able to submit secure payment information
Different forms of payment is accepted when valid information is given
Preconditions and test tools needed:
Access to an internet connection
Access to a web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
Device (Mobile, Tablet, or Computer)
Logged out of any currently logged in Netflix accounts.
Manually log out
Clear all data, cookies, and cache from the web browser
Payment in the form of a credit card/debit card, PayPal, or a Gift Code
Minimum of at least $6.99 (as of 3/13/2023 with the lowest basic plan with ads cost)
Test Data (for credit card/debit card information):
First name
Last name
Card number
Expiration data (MM/YY)
Security code (CVV)
Billing ZIP Code
Test steps:
Navigate to the streaming service with the provided weblink: https://www.netflix.com using Google Chrome
Click on the Email address field and enter a valid email address and click 'Get Started' to continue.
Click on 'Next' button to begin step 1 of setting up account
a. Enter a valid password
b. Click on 'Next' to finish step 1
Part A Test Results:
The password is accepted
User is able to close the website and return to log into this created account to finish setup later
Click on 'Next' button to continue onto step 2 of setting up an account
a. Select one of the following plans. (For the purpose of this test case, lowest plan is selected first before continuing)
b. Click 'Next' to finish step 2Click on the Credit or Debit Card option to secure payment for the Netflix user account
a. When credit/debit card is selected: enter the test data requirement
b. Click on 'Start Membership' to complete the new user sign up flow
Part B Test Results:
The payment information is accepted
The user is given access to view all Netflix shows in menu selection
When the user is logged out and logged back in, user is given full access to all Netflix shows